mercredi 14 novembre 2007

Nouveau code d'éthique des photographes de New York

En ces jours de confrontations entre photographes et policiers, l'association des photographes de presse de New York (NYPPA) vient d'émettre leur nouveau code d'éthique.

Voici un passage intéressant concernant l'usage d'insultes à l'égard des policiers:

"No matter how law enforcement acts towards any member of the media and no matter how we may disagree with a police decision, it is incumbent upon photographers to maintain respect. Photographers should never insult, curse, use ethnic slurs, or show disrespect in any way to law enforcement officers."

Voici les 11 commandements:

1) Strive to make photographs which report truthfully, honestly and
2) Respect your subjects and the public, strive to be fair and honest in their representation.
3) Never set up news photographs or manipulate news events. Aside from portraits and illustrations, our jobs are to capture moments - if you miss them, continue waiting or move on to find another visually interesting moment. The public depends on us to provide truthful reporting and honest photography.
4) Never accept nor offer bribes, kickbacks or unethical inducements.
5) Be accurate and truthful in your editing to fairly present an event.
6) Act with conscience. If another photographer were watching you, would you continue with your actions?
7) Be truthful and accurate in your captioning. Always make your best effort to make sure caption information is truthful.
8) Practice good conduct toward one another. Always be truthful with your fellow photographers. Never mislead your fellow photographers. If you can’t tell colleagues information, say so. They will respect you for it.
9) Neutralize and overcome any personal bias to best serve the public and offer fairness to everyone.
10) Give something back: By encouraging and assisting all members of our profession, individually and collectively the quality of photojournalism will constantly rise to a higher standard.
11) When confronted by a member of law enforcement, (police officers of any service), photographers will maintain decorum and respect. No matter how law enforcement acts towards any member of the media and no matter how we may disagree with a police decision, it is incumbent upon photographers to maintain respect. Photographers should never insult, curse, use ethnic slurs, or show disrespect in any way to law enforcement officers. If law enforcement acts improperly, the NYPPA has media conflict forms to fill out and take action.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

C'est certain que comme photographe de presse, il est important de rester neutre et par conséquent de ne pas réagir autrement à l'action qu'en changeant d'angle ou en appuyant sur notre déclancheur le plus vite possible. Cependant en tant qu'humain derrière une caméra, c'est plus difficile. Mais bon, j'imagine que c'est un code d'éthique comme les policiers en ont un aussi et à voir comme ils le respectent des fois... menfin!