mercredi 6 mai 2009

Nathalie Daoust expose sa série helvétique à Ottawa

Samedi le 9 mai à 13h, aura lieu le vernissage de Nathalie Daoust intitulé Frozen in Time au Centre d'artistes Voix Visuelle d'Ottawa.

Cette série a été réalisée lors d'un 6 mois de résidence au Christopher Merian Foundation en Suisse.

"The artist sought to preserve the sense of suspended time and the memory of unique moments impressed upon her by the permanence, timelessness and perfection of the Alps. She used a camera obscura to create black and white photographs that she then coloured by hand, seeking not only to capture a memory of the location, but also to preserve her state of mind at the time: a feeling of being immobilized in time, the impression of an unreal world and of too perfect landscapes. To accentuate this feeling of unreal, the artist adds to her images characters that seem out of place in such an environment."

Du 9 mai au 16 juin, 81 avenue Beechwood, Ottawa
photo Nathalie Daoust

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